Programmatic buying (P1)
With the growing technology, the online multimedia advertising market also has the momentum to develop. So Netlink wants to create a series of articles that provide customers with more information about Programmatic buying.

In the first part of this series of articles, we will learn about Programmatic Guaranteed (PG). In the past, to ensure certainty about inventory and campaign spending, advertisers used to buy inventory through a tag reservation method. Specifically, they will exchange a set of ad tags, or inserts, so that the publisher can access the buyer's server. Feedback and optimizations will be managed by email or by phone. Although this method is effective, it is not high, and it is also very time consuming and manual.


So, with the motto of overcoming the disadvantages of buying and selling old advertising positions, more modern buying methods were born. Based on the automatic buying requests of advertisers, no longer needing many manual steps, saving a lot of time.

Programmatic Guaranteed is a form of direct purchase of inventory from the publisher of the advertiser, the buyer and the seller will agree on the appropriate number of impressions with the price, with this way of buying, both parties benefit. The combination of pre-programming and automated purchasing, increases accuracy and inventory control. This feature ensures fairness and benefits both publishers who want to copy their inventory and advertisers who want to buy inventory. Not only that, with the available programmatic automatic buying form, advertisers will easily find the positions that match their advertising criteria.

The benefits brought from PG:

  • Simplified workflow: Eliminates the need to copy/paste and issue insert commands as these steps have been automated for computer processing, saving costs and avoiding confusion, increasing efficiency results.
  • Get Paid in 30 Days (NET30): Google will quickly process and pay publishers in full and on time, and publishers will no longer need to contact each buyer to collect money.
  • Better performance: Partners who are already using Programmatic Guaranteed report that they notice higher CPMs when they start using this feature because buyers are willing to pay a fair price for accessible inventory their goods.
  • Reduce Spreads and Waste: Integrated buy-side and seller-side platforms allow for fast troubleshooting and fewer spreads.


Now, Google Ad Manager (GAM) has fully integrated Programmatic Guaranteed into its interface, so you can custom manage all your transactions. If you need advice on using this feature of GAM, please leave your information below or email us at: